The road alone is difficult, you no longer have to walk alone.
Joining together, energies multiply and strength grows.
Opening up, wisdom comes and life becomes easier.
Miria M. Janzen

You feel, or actually see, looking at your own life, your own business, that you are stuck, going in circles and acting unproductively. That's a signal that it's time for some analysis to point you in the direction of change.
By choosing to work together, you will learn how:
get to know yourself, your own potential and develop in harmony with it
boost confidence and self-esteem
get work life balance
manage change, (change of job, change of partner, change of residence, change of mode of work transition from full-time work to entrepreneurship),
Improve and accelerate the adaptation process of yourself, your team, your family. loss
communicate effectively
become a better leader
perform freely in public
increase motivation and self-discipline
create effective and cohesive teams
time management, lean management
effectively manage your energy
solve problems effectively
The fullness of life you dream of begins within you. Allow yourself to finally be yourself.
The change introduced at the level of the way of thinking, perception of certain events, proper perspective, emotional involvement, transfers to the way of acting until finally to the final results.
Some of us built our own house, some of us built a smartly managed company, but none of us built ourselves from scratch. Like a house or a company, we need a stable foundation and pillars on which the structure is erected, otherwise the structure begins to sway until it can finally fall apart.
This is often the case with us, especially when we, that is, our edifice is burdened with many obligations, loans, financial instability, tasks arising from our roles as a father, mother, wife, husband, boss, boss, among others, when we do not live in harmony with each other. I personally experienced such a breakup, and at a time when it might seem that I had it all. At the time, I was already a business owner, mother of 2 children, wife for many years, owner of several properties, and a person exploring the world. Do you know this scenario? You know the feeling?I was re-built by the realization that nothing is permanent because we can constantly transform ourselves, through knowledge, development, practice and experience.
With true joy we do in life only what we understand the meaning of. The most important thing is to make sense of our own lives and actions.
The education system hasn't prepared us for life's many roles, it hasn't taught us to recognize our talents, we don't have the tools to climb high, and they are necessary to keep ourselves balanced, healthy and happy. Let's not be afraid to admit it, it's difficult because we haven't been taught how to properly fulfill these roles. And they make up the vast majority of our lives.
We already know that it is necessary to prepare properly for a marathon or for certain expeditions, in order to achieve mastery in a particular field we need to know which muscles need to be worked on and how, in order to be effective. And our marathon that requires preparation is our life.
Comparing our current generation to the generations of our parents, grandparents, wartime and communist times, we have achieved massive success, but mostly professionally. However, the state in which a sizable number of us are no longer even allows us to enjoy the successes we have achieved. Studies clearly show in what state we, our children are in, the prognosis of our mental state for the coming years is literally frightening. That is why it is necessary to act today.
Sometimes it is worth taking certain actions that will strengthen the stability of our foundation. Then we can erect very tall structures, we can achieve our big dreams and life goals. That's what we came to this world for, to draw from it with all our senses and enjoy our achievements in life.
My mission is to empower people and my passion is to see them become happy.
All great works are born out of love, out of true passion. My passion is for people to be truly smiling. My mission is to discover and unleash human potential, because awareness of one's own resources inspires courage and readiness to reach for one's greatest dreams, to realize life and career goals, to live happily.
As a young girl I thought about working in the police force, but I did not choose this profession, after years of working in business, in television, and finally as a coach, mentor, mental coach and psychologist, I understood why. Because my nature is not to look for fault in a person, my nature is to unleash a person's potential, to support him in the process of growth and realization of his dreams and goals.
I'm a practitioner, and I've walked a demanding path, from the very foot of a high mountain.
I am not only books, schools, courses and universities, although there were indeed many, I am a seeker despite the challenges. Over the years I searched with great determination for that right path and walked ahead, even though the road was very winding and bumpy, led through great poverty, I grew up in a house that lacked much, even a toilet. Then at various stages I experienced numerous deprivations, challenges and tragedies.
Most of us face various difficult moments in our lives, powerful challenges. Many of them began in early childhood, then we carry their stigma throughout our adult years.
I it is also a wide professional experience.
Me is also a spiritual path, which I went through mostly in contact with nature, which was made possible by living in Croatia for several years and before that by numerous challenges on my professional path, difficult life experiences such as malignant cancer and the sudden death of my younger brother.
Me is, above all, love for life and for the other.
Thisis what my grandmother and my parents taught me, and with them the deep values I took from my family home. I learned love gradually, the greatest influence on my sense of love came from my children and husband. But I began to fully understand how important love really is in life during my psychology studies and then while studying coaching at PriceWaterhousecoopers, much to my surprise that the topic of heart, love and intuition is brought up so strongly in business structures. This is proof that it should become natural for us to talk about feelings, emotions and love even in a business relationship. Because in the end, we are all human beings and business and progress is made of people.
While learning ICF international coaching standards at PWC Poland, I was taught that when working with a person, we are to use the 3 intelligences that every human being has: Intellect, Instinct and Intuition. Each of us communicates with the other, so we should use our 3 intelligences.