Take care of yourself. How difficult it is.

Miria M. Janzen
5 min read

The system in which we grew up and which constantly surrounds us has taught us a lot, certainly how to work hard, but it has not taught us how to take care of ourselves. 

The busier we live, the more space we need for wise regeneration, for balancing our resources. Today, as a conscious woman, a business woman, a mother, a mental trainer and coach with a psychological degree, I prioritize well-being, taking care of myself, my body, and my mental health as a priority in working with my clients, my environment and myself. 

We are realistically productive when we keep ourselves in balance. 

It is worth remembering this not only on world mental health day, the thought of how important mental health is should guide us every day. Research confirms that the majority of diseases, as much as more than 95%, are psychosomatic diseases, that is, those that start in our mind and affect our body. Lack of ability to perceive and, above all, feel in the body what signals the body is sending us, often leads to serious conditions. As a result, we spend a lot of money on treatment, running from doctor to doctor looking for a solution to soothe or heal the condition. However, how much easier it would be if in this daily rush we found time to live consciously and regularly take care of the state of our psyche, the amount of stimuli we receive, the state of our emotions and body. 

The body exhausted slows down, we feel exhaustion, burnout, depression in ourselves, which slows down all processes in the body, wanting to keep them alive. Exhaustion, overexertion, lack of regeneration leads to apathy, which gradually withdraws from an active and happy life.

Seemingly easy and still difficult to apply it regularly because the day seems constantly too short. 

A few tips probably familiar to most of us, however, to be applied? Only what is regularly applied brings results. Myself, through the gears and still unmet needs of myself or my loved ones, my professional commitments, I used to forget what was a priority to be able to function healthily and give true value of myself to others.

Mental health is more than the mind it is also the body and spirit.

The body needs constant activity, movement, walking, stretching. The body needs sleep and regular sleep. We need healthy, unprocessed food to maintain a healthy body. The body needs attentiveness, sometimes squeezing out the opportunities it gives us, but sometimes letting go, resting, taking care and truly taking care of ourselves. Rewarding ourselves with small pleasures, doing what we enjoy.

The brain works like a muscle, to keep it healthy it needs movement, it needs to do new things, it needs constant learning. The field doesn't matter, the important thing is to keep learning, practicing new skills to demand of ourselves, in harmony with our rhythm. According to the kaizen principle, improve in small steps and consistently move forward.  

Our brain is thinking, so it's worth asking ourselves what I think of myself, whether I like myself, whether I believe in myself and the goals I set, whether I can appreciate myself, even the small little successes.

Well, and our spirit, after all, we are spiritual beings in a human body, so we need tranquility, contact with nature, prayer, meditation, conscious, deep breathing, listening to our own intuition.

Let's not forget the humor giver, laughter naturally and quickly increases levels of endorphins, or the happiness hormone, so cabarets, comedies and good company are priceless and have healing properties. 

A good relationship is a good word, support and acceptance, which each of us like air needs for healthy functioning, but a good relationship is more than that, it is also touch, which, like laughter, compensates for the lack of happiness hormones in our bodies.

This is just part of what you should implement in your own life, or add the right frequency and regularity. Not everyone is ready for a revolution, it's not cooking with Magda Gessler, our body, mind and emotions prefer mental evolution. I recommend asking ourselves the above questions to look at myself to what extent as an adult I can take care of myself, only by knowing how to take care of ourselves can we properly take care of others as well, if only for our own children, employees, our environment. 

When attempts to work on ourselves prove futile, perhaps the condition is too advanced, it is worth turning to people, places that are able to support the return to balance. I.e. with a damaged car we go to a mechanic or a sore tooth we go to a dentist, the mental sphere is also supported by experts in this area. And using this support is not a shame, as was once thought and created an undeserving belief. Dear ones, it is maturity that we have taken longer to grow up to, it is life wisdom.

Take care of yourself️ ❤️☯

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