Become the woman of tomorrow. Create change.
The woman of tomorrow is a conscious woman. She has built her level of consciousness from extensive development, but also from difficult experiences. A conscious woman does not complain, she is aware of the challenges and works on them consistently in order to achieve her goals. She is also aware of her potential, which she uses and with great determination becomes a better version of herself to feel happiness and fulfillment and achieve the desired success whether in her professional or personal life.
During the workshop you will learn HOW:
- Combine the roles of mother, partner, professionally fulfilled woman and how in this to maintain balance and space for yourself, your passions and living your own life
- Get to know your feminine nature and the potential from it, how to use it effectively and keep yourself permanently in the feminine energy
- Determine your goals, what you would like to achieve and what kind of person you would like to become. How to set short-term and long-term goals, both in your personal and professional life.
- Develop your skills and identify areas in which you would like to grow and acquire new skills, including time management, communication, public speaking, problem-solving skills or other areas related to your goals and aspirations.
- Efficiently and quickly develop and gain knowledge on how to get new and really important, selected information on areas that interest you.
- Work on your personal development, self-awareness, how to build a healthy self-esteem
- Manage your emotions, how to deal with stress
- Build healthy relationships with other people
- To develop courage and the ability to get out of your comfort zone, how to draw precisely from difficult situations and challenges what is edifying, how to translate this into clear progress. How to open up to change and lightness in experimentation.
- To be consistent and patient because in the end it may take time and effort to achieve your goals. How to not be discouraged by difficulties and multiple activities along the way, and how to make sure you don't give up along the way.
- Finding the right support how to be able to see a supportive environment in our surroundings and how to freely reject those not serving our development.
- Become an assertive, well-communicated leader
Powyższe zagadnienia oraz rzesza innych dowiesz się i przepracujesz podczas 2-dniowego stacjonarnego szkolenia połączonego z warsztatami, które odbędzie się w Warszawie 17-18.02.2024. i w Gdyni 23-24.03.2024.
In my work I am guided by individual abilities, each of us has a different starting point that affects the quality, speed and efficiency of the work. Due to your preferences and the resources at your disposal, you have the option of choosing sessions in blocks of 45min, 60min or 90min. With a package of 10 sessions and more you will receive a discount, min 20%. We determine individually after the 1st session.